Huckleberry Finn just got caught a rabbit

fredag den 4. december 2009

Playing pirates at Jackson's Island

I walked slowly along the road, thinking of going fishing, when I met Tom Sawyer and Joe Harper. They told me about their plan to run away and become pirates, I thought it was a great idea because it was so long time ago we had done something funny together. Tom suggested we went to Jackson's Island, a long and narrowed island at the Mississippi river. We should meet the next day at midnight and all bring food with. Tom would bring a boiled ham, Joe brought some bacon and I brought a skillet and some tobacco. When we arrived at the island we were all so tired so we just ate a little and then went to bed. The next day we went bathing in the river and then cooked some breakfast. Then we went into the woods to play pirates. We almost played all day and when we got back to the camp it was already dinner time. Tom and I went fishing while Joe stayed back and cooked bacon and ham. Not long time after we all sat down and enjoyed the great meal. After that I wanted a little smoke and asked the others if they wanted one too. None of them had ever tried it before but they had always wanted too. But after they had smoked a little they did not feel very well. The next day we heard some canon shoots coming from the town, and that could only mean someone had drowned in the river. We all sailed over there to see what happened. We heard two people talking about the funeral there was going to be tomorrow. They also said that they felt sorry for Aunt Polly and Joe Harpers mom. First we did not get why but then we thought it was because it was us there was drowned. Tom then got one of his best ideas ever. We should just walk in, in the middle of the funeral. We all thought it was a great idea and the next morning we went into the town and hid in the church closet. Under the funeral we could hear people crying and suddenly we felt sorry from what we had done. So we opened the closet and walked into the church. Everyone almost looked like if they had seen a ghost. Aunt Polly and Joe Harpers mom came running crying over and hugged us. After that we of course had to tell everyone the story.

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