Huckleberry Finn just got caught a rabbit

fredag den 4. december 2009

Finding the treasure in the cave

After all my sickness Tom told me everything about his adventure in the cave. He said that he saw Injun Joe and that Injun Joe had the treasure with him. We ran all we could down to the cave but the entrance was blocked by a big wall. Luckily enough Tom knew another way in that led right into where he saw Injun Joe. It was hidden behind some bushes but Tom had made a mark were it was. When we got down in the cave it was very dark and we could only see a big stone with a cross on. Tom remembered Injun Joe talking about burying the treasure under a cross. Then I began to worry, what if Injun Joe's ghost was still around. Because dead people’s ghost normally protects the treasures. We were so close to give it up when Tom saw the cross and remembered that ghost's did not go where there were any crosses. We were both very relieved and then we began to search for the treasure. After looking for 15 minutes we rested. Then Tom suddenly said that it could be under the stone. So we began to dig at the sides of the stone. Few minutes later my shovel hit a big tree box. We took it up and saw it was the treasure. We opened it and saw all the money and diamonds we could ever imagine. We were both so happy, now we finally got rich. But the treasure was too heavy to carry so we had to find our wheel barrel and putted the diamonds, money and all the other riches in it. We ran home and saw that Widow Douglas had a party. She stood in the door when we came by and asked if we wanted to join. Under the party we told everyone about how rich we just became. We ran outside and carried the treasure up. Together we all counted the money. I don't think anyone in the town had seen so much money on one place before.

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