Huckleberry Finn just got caught a rabbit

fredag den 4. december 2009

The brutal murder at the graveyard

Tom and I wanted to try if it was true that you could charm away warts if you took a dead cat to a graveyard at midnight. The graveyard was not very far away so we met outside Tom's house ten minutes before. It was very dark and windy but we kept talking to forget about the ghost’s that probably was around. When we came to the graveyard we heard some voices and saw three men. They all got shovels so we thought they were grave robbers. We crept so close to them so we could hear all what they said. We identified them as Injun Joe, Muff Potter and the village doctor. Muff Potter was very drunk so he felt down and fainted. Then Injun Joe took out his knife and started talking to the doctor but he whispered so we could not hear it. But we could see the poor doctor looked very frightened. Injun Joe now started moving slowly towards the doctor. Then he jumped on him and stabbed him several times. The doctor was dead. Injun Joe then putted the knife in Muff Potter's hand. He woke Muff Potter and told him that it was him that had killed the poor doctor but Injun Joe promised he would not tell anyone about it. I started running all what I could and I could see Tom was just behind me. We did not stop before we had run many miles. Then we stopped to breathe. I then said that if we told anyone about what happened at the graveyard Injun Joe come and kill us as he killed the doctor. Tom agreed and we swore we would not tell anyone about it.

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